life seems harder than before to me. this life is soo much give me pain.. i hate to realize it. but this is a reality..
semua masalah dateng barengan disaat aku emang lagi down-downnya.. huaaaaahhhh
kadang ngebuat aku semakin mikir, apa ini salahku yang selalu sombong/egois atau apaa yah...
tapi semua masalah emang bener-bener ngebikin aku jadi lebih kuat, tegar, nggak mudah menyerah, buat pengalaman hidup..
sometimes, im feeling sooo alone.. like universe leave me alone.
feels like noone cares to me, nobody could understand me the way i am..
im feeling so lonely.
then, finally i knew everything that i had thought isn't worth it buat nyelesaiin semua masalah yang ada,
yang harusnya aku lakuin itu............
yup, this is the only thing that i could do it. if im lonely, there's no one else could cheering me..
i just keep praying, with my J. my beloved Daddy, who always understand me like the way i am.
im just be thankful, grateful evertyhing because i still have him to accompany my life.
i know, ive already have a lot of trouble, but he's always beside me. forgive me.
he's still give me breath to forward my day..
i know there's good plan for me, i know there's good reason for me.
so life must goes on. never give up, chin up, and keep smiling Nana ;-)
i just keep praying, with my J. my beloved Daddy, who always understand me like the way i am.
im just be thankful, grateful evertyhing because i still have him to accompany my life.
i know, ive already have a lot of trouble, but he's always beside me. forgive me.
he's still give me breath to forward my day..
i know there's good plan for me, i know there's good reason for me.
so life must goes on. never give up, chin up, and keep smiling Nana ;-)
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